WELCOME!!! This a monthly Art Challenge for anyone who wants to participate. Each month, I will post a poem written by me, and one or more photos relating to that poem. The photos will serve as reference photos for your artwork, which will be posted on WINDOWS TO THE WORDS ART. See complete guidelines on the right hand side bar. ENJOY!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December Challenge..ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS...

HO HO HO. Tis the Season to be Jolly!!! You can get your jollies right here on Windows to the Words by participating in our "Paint Your Own Present" Challenge. What you do is create a painting...or a drawing...an artwork of what you'd like to get for Christmas. Want a new laptop? A new Lexus? A 30 foot yacht? A lump of coal? Paint it and send it in. My cast of judges will pick their favorite and the artist will receive a package of James' Tiny Treasures.

Now....Just in case you already have everything....you can do a rendition of one of the following reference photos. Or you can do both. Just have fun and be merry.

Send your artwork to.... jpolderndirt2@yahoo.com by Jan.1